The modern suggestion box

The modern suggestion box

Anne-Kathrine Utzon
Established companies still have a lot to learn when it comes to being innovative. Ideanote is a new Danish digital tool that helps boost your ideas.
Anne-Kathrine Utzon

Many businesses have a pool of untapped potential of good ideas for their business, but often they’re not in the boardroom. The real innovation often lies with the people who work every day in a company, at the coal face of its business presence. 

But those ideas can be lost in the complex hierarchy of businesses. Ideanote has developed a digital tool which is designed to help companies innovate and generate ideas in a whole new way.

The tool allows the management to involve its employees in the company’s innovative processes and thus motivate them to generate great ideas and have them implemented.

It is a modern digital suggestion box, where the employees can discuss and develop the ideas further. It’s an app and a process that companies can truly benefit from.

The entrepreneurial mindset 

Ideanote is based upon the thought that all type of businesses should think much more like a startup company. 

“Nothing is sacred, and just because a business model has worked for decades it does not necessarily means it will also serve the next decade. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, get ideas almost every day and they are not afraid to try out new things,” says Jesper Juel Jensen, CEO of Ideanote. 

“But they don’t have the same amount of experience and resources like established companies have. Our goal is to combine the best from established companies and inventive startups.” 

That mission is one that Pia Pinkowsky, who work as an innovative consultant, can get on board with. 

“When it comes to innovation, the traditional business can learn a great deal from entrepreneurs. We live in a time when everything moves fast, and where businesses need to think in innovation and development to keep up,” she says.   

The intelligent idea bank 

Ideanote is an ideas bank that allows the management to involve its employees in issues via both their app and website. 

The tool also functions as the voice of the employees in a democratic way, so that they can contribute suggestions on how to optimize the company.

“Our tool is a bit of a robot. It organizes and selects all the suggestions from the employees based on the company’s industry, the words and from the history of previous ideas. 

“Our tool is a bit of a robot. It organizes and selects all the suggestions from the employees based on the company’s industry, the words and from the history of previous ideas. 

“Over time, the tool gets better and better at sorting ideas, the more ideas the employees share. Management will therefore save a lot of time,” says Jesper Juel Jensen. 

Employees are even recognized for their ideas if they’re implemented, which can create further engagement and satisfaction. The tool shows who shared ideas and who contributed with feedback to the idea, giving incentives for employees to use it even more.  


Read more about Ideanote:


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